Done for You Training Materials

Customizable Training Kits for Soft Skills Trainers

Personal Impact’s training programs have been taught in over 120+ countries and are now available for corporate trainers. You can use a proven training system and save yourself the cost, time and headaches of developing your own business etiquette training materials.

The materials in these training systems have been well received by professionals, executives, job seekers and students around the world. Each training kit adheres to IITTI International Business Etiquette Standards and contains everything you need to conduct your own high level, interactive, and entertaining seminars or workshops.

Personal Impact’s training systems are ideal for teaching job seekers, promotion seekers, or anyone who needs to enhance their business etiquette soft skills for meetings, the office, dining, business mixers or on the road – anywhere in the world.

If you have questions or would like to schedule a Skype call please contact us at

Kimberly Law AICI, CIP

Association of Image Consultants International (AICI)

aiciimageconsulatant aicicip

Founding Director of

Institute of Image Training & Testing International (IITTI)


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Vancouver, BC Canada
Telephone: +1604-298-7228
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