Tag Archives: wardrobe planning

How to Look Slimmer in Your Warm Colour Palette

In my previous blog post, “Heavy or Slim…Not as Simple as Black or White!’, I talked about the effects of various colour qualities and how you don’t need to stick to neutrals like black or white in order to look slimmer or balance your body shape. Since then I have had questions from clients about what to do if you want to look slimmer but don’t suit cool colours.

One thing to consider is that there are so many variations of colour that can go into the mix. There is usually one colour quality in the mix that will suit your colouring and have a slimming affect. For example: if you look great in warm colours but also want to look slimmer, you may also look great in muted colours or dark colours, which will make you look slimmer. By taking advantage of these slimming colour qualities you can look slimmer and look great in your warm wardrobe colours.

Heavy or Slim…Not as Simple as Black or White!

We have all heard the rumour black makes us look slimmer and white makes us look heavier. But there are other ways to create similar effects without limiting your wardrobe to black or white.

Any dark colour will have a slimming affect. So why limit yourself to black? Clothing in lighter colours has the opposite affect. Light colours reflect light which causes an area to appear larger.

Clothing in muted colours has a similar effect to black. Because they absorb light they will have a slimming affect. Bright colours like white reflect light and will make an area appear larger. This will have a similar effect in clothing.

Clothing from the cool side of the colour wheel also has a receding or slimming effect. If cool colours suit your colouring you have an advantage if you want to look slimmer. Warm coloured clothing will make the area appear bigger.

Give Unwanted Clothing and Accessories a New Home

One of the most difficult things about critiquing your closet is giving up clothing and accessories that are in a great style and in great shape. The problem is that if you don’t wear the garment or accessory because it doesn’t fit; doesn’t look good; doesn’t fit your lifestyle; or doesn’t fit your personality, it also doesn’t have a place in your closet or wardrobe either. It will just take up space that could be used for another garment that you will love and wear often. 

When you find those lonely unwanted pieces in your wardrobe, consider a wardrobe swapping party. Get your friends together and find the perfect match for your unwanted clothing and accessories. If you are unsure about it, it’s a great way to find a new home for your unwanted pieces and incorporate new items into your wardrobe and save money!

De-clutter Keepsakes from Your Closet

Many of you have probably heard that you should get rid of any clothing items that haven’t been worn for a year. And as a rule, I agree that cluttering your closet with clothing you will never wear, is a waste of space. However, what about the prom dress hanging in your closet; or the classic black dress pants that are just a little bit snug? I can see merit in keeping things under these circumstances:

If you have had a slight weight fluctuation and you KNOW you will wear the garment during the next appropriate season because it is a flattering style & colour and it fits into your lifestyle. Keep it!

If the garment holds sentimental value for you and you can’t bare to part with it. Keep it!

These clothing pieces deserve special attention. Remove them from your closet and store them separately. This will help to de-clutter your closet and finding something to wear in the morning much easier.

How to Make Your Bust Look Bigger!

Unlike the woman I met on the plane to Raleigh (who by the way, I am still jealous of), some of us would give… almost anything for a bigger bust. Fortunately there are some painless things you can choose to wear that will visually increase your bust size instantly: 

  • Fabrics with texture for your tops, sweaters and blouses
  • Loose flowing fabrics or fabrics that don’t cling
  • Extra bodice details such as Breast pockets, ruffles, tucks, pleats, scallops and yokes
  • Double breasted jackets
  • Collars that draw attention away from the bust area
  • Prints and patterns
  • A padded bra

Wardrobe Planning to Suit Your Lifestyle

As an image consultant my clients often come to me to learn what clothing styles and colours suit them. This is something we determine through analysis of the client. And yes it is very important. However, since the true purpose of clothing is to protect and cover our bodies, what we do in our clothing also needs to be considered when helping my clients select the most suitable clothing. For those of you who stare into your closet and think, “I wish I had something to wear”, get a pen and paper and jot down the activities that you do most often; the purpose of these activities and the message or impression you would like to convey during this time. Think of descriptive words like: serious, credible, fun, active, stylish, sensual or any other words that come into your mind that will help set the tone for your clothing and accessory needs. Clothing and accessory styles that are functional for the activity and create the right message should make up at least 75% your wardrobe. Use this list to when shopping for clothing and accessories to help you make the most of your closet.

How to Make Your Bust Look Smaller!

Yes, we women come in all shapes and sizes. I was recently on a plane to Raleigh, North Carolina and there was a woman sitting beside me. She was close to my age, petite like me and she even had short hair like I do. However, there was one really obvious difference… unlike me, she had a slim hourglass figure with a well proportioned bust (or so I thought). I have to admit, at that moment… I was really jealous. We started chatting for a while about our businesses and then she got up to go to the bathroom. As she got up, she looked down at her chest and said, “I wish I could cut these off.” Wow! Was I surprised! Then I thought about it more and realized, that even a fuller bust can have its problems. If you want your bust to look smaller, stay away from small round necklines, fitted turtlenecks and choose the following instead: 

  • Lightweight fabrics that don’t cling
  • V necks and open collars
  • Clean simple bodices without pockets, ruffles or detailing near the bust area
  • Darker coloured tops, sweaters and blouses
  • Single breasted jackets
  • Collars that draw attention away from the bust area
  • A supporting bra

Platform Shoes

A huge trend that is carrying on into fall for women is platform shoes. They are everywhere! The question is, are they appropriate for office wear? The answer… it depends on the company culture. 

The general rule is the thinner the sole the more conservative and formal the shoe. For career wear, when in doubt, always choose the classic pump with a 1 1/2 – 3 inch heel and a thin sole. You can never go wrong with this style and will always make a great impression at work. However, if you like the platform styles and it fits with your company’s contemporary culture, I would suggest that the classic style pump in a neutral colour with a platform sole is your best choice. For a great example see my post: https://www.personalimpact.ca/2010/09/don’t-believe-…thing-you-read/

Four Reasons to Wear a Neck Tie

Many men hate the thought of putting on a neck tie and for many reasons. Some men hate the thought of wearing a tie because they feel they are uncomfortable; some men say they feel too dressed up when wearing a tie; and some men don’t know how to tie a tie-knot. If this is your only reason please see my YouTube videos below on how to tie various tie knots.

How to Tie the 4-in-Hand
How to Tie the Half Windsor
How to tie the Full Windsor

How to Tie the Pratt or Shelby Knot

Here are four reasons why you should wear a tie:

  1. Neck ties complete an outfit and make it look more finished.
  2. You will appear taller and slimmer when wearing a tie.
  3. When worn in a colour that suits you, ties make you look more healthy and attractive.
  4. You appear more credible and authoritative when wearing a tie then when you don’t.

The Wrong Underwear

You know, we have all seen it… the sagging or bumpy breasts, jiggling rear ends and the underwear straps that show. These are all examples of the wrong underwear. Although, the wrong undergarments will sabotage your image in any situation, it is even more of an issue at work. Why? If the desired focus is your product or service and you want to appear credible in your presentation of that product or service, then the focus should be on that product or service. The wrong underwear is not only distracting, it can make others uncomfortable. In other words, when at work, do you want people to be thinking about your underwear or what a great job you and your company can do for them? The right underwear will keep everything in place and help keep attention focused on what’s important at the time. Your silhouette will appear smoother and you will look slimmer.