Category Archives: Colour

Shed Some Light on Your Best Features

One way to make your best features stand-out is by wearing lighter colours in that area. Light colours reflect light and draw attention to that area. This will accentuate the area and make it appear more prominent…especially when a darker piece of clothing is worn next to it.

How to Look Slimmer in Your Warm Colour Palette

In my previous blog post, “Heavy or Slim…Not as Simple as Black or White!’, I talked about the effects of various colour qualities and how you don’t need to stick to neutrals like black or white in order to look slimmer or balance your body shape. Since then I have had questions from clients about what to do if you want to look slimmer but don’t suit cool colours.

One thing to consider is that there are so many variations of colour that can go into the mix. There is usually one colour quality in the mix that will suit your colouring and have a slimming affect. For example: if you look great in warm colours but also want to look slimmer, you may also look great in muted colours or dark colours, which will make you look slimmer. By taking advantage of these slimming colour qualities you can look slimmer and look great in your warm wardrobe colours.

Heavy or Slim…Not as Simple as Black or White!

We have all heard the rumour black makes us look slimmer and white makes us look heavier. But there are other ways to create similar effects without limiting your wardrobe to black or white.

Any dark colour will have a slimming affect. So why limit yourself to black? Clothing in lighter colours has the opposite affect. Light colours reflect light which causes an area to appear larger.

Clothing in muted colours has a similar effect to black. Because they absorb light they will have a slimming affect. Bright colours like white reflect light and will make an area appear larger. This will have a similar effect in clothing.

Clothing from the cool side of the colour wheel also has a receding or slimming effect. If cool colours suit your colouring you have an advantage if you want to look slimmer. Warm coloured clothing will make the area appear bigger.

Give Unwanted Clothing and Accessories a New Home

One of the most difficult things about critiquing your closet is giving up clothing and accessories that are in a great style and in great shape. The problem is that if you don’t wear the garment or accessory because it doesn’t fit; doesn’t look good; doesn’t fit your lifestyle; or doesn’t fit your personality, it also doesn’t have a place in your closet or wardrobe either. It will just take up space that could be used for another garment that you will love and wear often. 

When you find those lonely unwanted pieces in your wardrobe, consider a wardrobe swapping party. Get your friends together and find the perfect match for your unwanted clothing and accessories. If you are unsure about it, it’s a great way to find a new home for your unwanted pieces and incorporate new items into your wardrobe and save money!

Accessories May Hold Future Value

Clothing should be evaluated and removed from your wardrobe if it isn’t worn within a reasonable period of time. However, even though you may not currently wear your accessories due to fashion trends, they can still have future value in your wardrobe.  

Yes… accessory fashions evolve in cycles and what is now passé may again become the latest look. Before you discard your accessories consider your scale, personality style and most flattering colours. If these are attributes that your unworn accessories possess, you may want to store them separately from your current accessory wardrobe. Go through this accessory collection from time-to-time, to see if it will once again fit into your wardrobe. You never know…if you once loved it you may love it again.

Look Gorgeous in Red on Valentines Day

As an image consultant clients ask me… what is a sure-fire way to look gorgeous? The challenge is that there are so many answers to this question. And there are so many little things that make a big difference. However, if I had to narrow it down to one thing, I would say “Wear colours that flatter you!”

This Valentines day, if you are in the mood for red, wear your best red. The easiest way to determine if crimson, ruby, scarlet, wine, russet or rose is your best red is to take the pinch test. Pinch your finger tip or earlobe to see what your natural blush colour or blood-tone is like. Then choose your red in the same colour family and if possible the same intensity. Choosing the right red will make your skin glow, your eyes sparkle and when you blush… you will look gorgeous!

Street Fashion – Extreme Fashion in London and Paris

maxi dressStreet styles for women in England and France included a bit of everything. Many of the fashions were mirror images of what we would see in Vancouver or any American or Canadian City. There were a few things that stood out for me. Hemlines were extreme; micro-short and maxi-long. I noticed the maxi length dresses more in England than I did in France. And they came in a variety of different styles in solid and print fabrics. On the other extreme, mini’s were everywhere; both in skirt and dress styles. Those who wore pants opted for harem, dhoti and Jodhpur styles, although there were plenty of leggings and short-shorts worn as well.

Not All Jeans Are Created Equal

For many of us jeans are the favourite garment that we throw on without really thinking about it. However, for jeans day at the office, it is important to consider that all jeans are not created equal. Jeans for business casual attire should be stylish and should be coloured denim or dark denim. The style should be flattering to the body shape without being overly revealing. Jeans that are tattered, distressed with uneven fading or with holes should be kept for weekend wear not work wear.

How to Choose Your Stocking or Sock Colour

Many of my clients ask me how to choose socks and stockings and the answer is that as the trends change the answer may be different. However, if your goal is for a coordinated look, a classic look or you want your legs to look longer there are some rules:

For a classic men’s wear look socks should be toned to the hemline of the pants. For an even more coordinated look ideally the socks will have a subtle pattern that will coordinate the pant colour and the shoe colour.

To make your legs look longer, tone socks or stockings to the colour of your pant or skirt hemline. This will make the legs look like a column of colour and elongate them.

Stockings can also be toned to the colour of your shoes. This will coordinate the stockings with the shoes. This works best when you are wearing an accessory such as a scarf or another garment in your stocking colour to draw attention towards your face and create more harmony.

Four Reasons to Wear a Neck Tie

Many men hate the thought of putting on a neck tie and for many reasons. Some men hate the thought of wearing a tie because they feel they are uncomfortable; some men say they feel too dressed up when wearing a tie; and some men don’t know how to tie a tie-knot. If this is your only reason please see my YouTube videos below on how to tie various tie knots.

How to Tie the 4-in-Hand
How to Tie the Half Windsor
How to tie the Full Windsor

How to Tie the Pratt or Shelby Knot

Here are four reasons why you should wear a tie:

  1. Neck ties complete an outfit and make it look more finished.
  2. You will appear taller and slimmer when wearing a tie.
  3. When worn in a colour that suits you, ties make you look more healthy and attractive.
  4. You appear more credible and authoritative when wearing a tie then when you don’t.