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Personal Impact Guide to IITTI Level 1 Standard: Dining

Table manners have a long history and were established as a way of keeping the peace and domesticating our behaviour. Over time these rituals were handed down from generation to generation eventually becoming tradition. Today, with our hectic lifestyles, many of us eat on the run as we rush about multi-tasking. Although many dining traditions may not seem crucial while eating in front of the TV, our table conduct is still considered important during social, business and formal occasions. Whether we like it or not, how we conduct ourselves at the dining table can influence others’ perception of us, impacting our business and social relationships.
Formal Dining for Informal People offers guidelines for American and European dining styles. It has been divided into two dining sections. The first section, ‘Everyday Dining’ provides guidelines for everyday social and business dining. This e-book conforms to the ‘IITTI Standard’, set out by the Institute of Image Training & Testing International and expands on these guidelines with additional guidelines for elaborate gatherings and formal entertaining. It is a great reference tool with guidelines to help you appear more confident and feel more at ease when dining casually, or formally in any situation.
For those of you who plan to sit for the IITTI Level I exam, Formal Dining for Informal People is your study guide for the Dining Etiquette component of the IITTI Level 1 certification exam. It also includes additional guidelines that demonstrate many of the differences between business dining and social dining.
What is IITTI Certification?
The Institute of Image Training & Testing International is an international non-profit organization dedicated to global business etiquette standardization.
IITTI (pronounced “ET”), is a standardized, independent testing system for business image and etiquette. The IITTI certification serves as the ‘ISO’ system for corporate image and etiquette standards. It provides a uniform way for employers and job-seekers to measure soft skills that are critical to business success.
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