Accessories May Hold Future Value

Clothing should be evaluated and removed from your wardrobe if it isn’t worn within a reasonable period of time. However, even though you may not currently wear your accessories due to fashion trends, they can still have future value in your wardrobe.  

Yes… accessory fashions evolve in cycles and what is now passé may again become the latest look. Before you discard your accessories consider your scale, personality style and most flattering colours. If these are attributes that your unworn accessories possess, you may want to store them separately from your current accessory wardrobe. Go through this accessory collection from time-to-time, to see if it will once again fit into your wardrobe. You never know…if you once loved it you may love it again.

De-clutter Keepsakes from Your Closet

Many of you have probably heard that you should get rid of any clothing items that haven’t been worn for a year. And as a rule, I agree that cluttering your closet with clothing you will never wear, is a waste of space. However, what about the prom dress hanging in your closet; or the classic black dress pants that are just a little bit snug? I can see merit in keeping things under these circumstances:

If you have had a slight weight fluctuation and you KNOW you will wear the garment during the next appropriate season because it is a flattering style & colour and it fits into your lifestyle. Keep it!

If the garment holds sentimental value for you and you can’t bare to part with it. Keep it!

These clothing pieces deserve special attention. Remove them from your closet and store them separately. This will help to de-clutter your closet and finding something to wear in the morning much easier.

How to Make Your Bust Look Bigger!

Unlike the woman I met on the plane to Raleigh (who by the way, I am still jealous of), some of us would give… almost anything for a bigger bust. Fortunately there are some painless things you can choose to wear that will visually increase your bust size instantly: 

  • Fabrics with texture for your tops, sweaters and blouses
  • Loose flowing fabrics or fabrics that don’t cling
  • Extra bodice details such as Breast pockets, ruffles, tucks, pleats, scallops and yokes
  • Double breasted jackets
  • Collars that draw attention away from the bust area
  • Prints and patterns
  • A padded bra

Wardrobe Planning to Suit Your Lifestyle

As an image consultant my clients often come to me to learn what clothing styles and colours suit them. This is something we determine through analysis of the client. And yes it is very important. However, since the true purpose of clothing is to protect and cover our bodies, what we do in our clothing also needs to be considered when helping my clients select the most suitable clothing. For those of you who stare into your closet and think, “I wish I had something to wear”, get a pen and paper and jot down the activities that you do most often; the purpose of these activities and the message or impression you would like to convey during this time. Think of descriptive words like: serious, credible, fun, active, stylish, sensual or any other words that come into your mind that will help set the tone for your clothing and accessory needs. Clothing and accessory styles that are functional for the activity and create the right message should make up at least 75% your wardrobe. Use this list to when shopping for clothing and accessories to help you make the most of your closet.

Look Gorgeous in Red on Valentines Day

As an image consultant clients ask me… what is a sure-fire way to look gorgeous? The challenge is that there are so many answers to this question. And there are so many little things that make a big difference. However, if I had to narrow it down to one thing, I would say “Wear colours that flatter you!”

This Valentines day, if you are in the mood for red, wear your best red. The easiest way to determine if crimson, ruby, scarlet, wine, russet or rose is your best red is to take the pinch test. Pinch your finger tip or earlobe to see what your natural blush colour or blood-tone is like. Then choose your red in the same colour family and if possible the same intensity. Choosing the right red will make your skin glow, your eyes sparkle and when you blush… you will look gorgeous!

How to Make Your Bust Look Smaller!

Yes, we women come in all shapes and sizes. I was recently on a plane to Raleigh, North Carolina and there was a woman sitting beside me. She was close to my age, petite like me and she even had short hair like I do. However, there was one really obvious difference… unlike me, she had a slim hourglass figure with a well proportioned bust (or so I thought). I have to admit, at that moment… I was really jealous. We started chatting for a while about our businesses and then she got up to go to the bathroom. As she got up, she looked down at her chest and said, “I wish I could cut these off.” Wow! Was I surprised! Then I thought about it more and realized, that even a fuller bust can have its problems. If you want your bust to look smaller, stay away from small round necklines, fitted turtlenecks and choose the following instead: 

  • Lightweight fabrics that don’t cling
  • V necks and open collars
  • Clean simple bodices without pockets, ruffles or detailing near the bust area
  • Darker coloured tops, sweaters and blouses
  • Single breasted jackets
  • Collars that draw attention away from the bust area
  • A supporting bra

Your Personal Image Should Emphasize Your Corporate Brand

Many of my corporate clients ask why it matters what they wear to work. Here is one good reason: 

Most companies spend a lot of money developing and maintaining the company image, and as a representative of your company it’s up to you to reinforce this image by presenting yourself in a way that is consistent with the company brand. Let’s face it, when we meet someone for the first time, we instantly form an impression about that person and if their image matches what they’re trying to communicate, we’re more likely to trust them. Once the trust is established, it’s easier to build rapport and strong business relationships with that person and their company.

9 Steps to Break Bread with Ease and Grace

If you have ever been unsure of which bread plate is yours; or whether you are supposed to butter the whole slice of bread. You are not alone. As an etiquette expert many of my clients and friends ask about the etiquette of eating bread and rolls. Here are the steps to take next time you are faced with the challenge of breaking bread.

  1. Your bread plate is the one to the left of your place setting.
  2. Don’t reach; Ask the person closest to the bread basket to pass it to you.
  3. Take the bread or roll and place it on your bread plate.
  4. Ask the person closest to the butter to pass it to you.
  5. Using the butter serving utensil (if there is one) or your butter knife (if there is not serving utensil) place some butter on your bread plate.
  6. Rip off a small piece of bread / roll, the appropriate size for one or two bites.
  7. Butter that piece of bread / roll holding it on the plate while spreading the butter.
  8. Eat it with your mouth closed and enjoy!
  9. Repeat…

Use this etiquette for Holiday Dining and Everyday Dining…Happy Holidays!

Learn more dining etiquette skills with Kimberly Law’s lecture based on-line course ‘Everyday Dining Etiquette’.

Make the Most of Your Handshake

I have written about handshakes in past blog posts. However, occasionally clients ask me questions about how to make the most of your handshake. Next time you shake hands consider the following: 

  • When shaking hands in western society the hands should be parallel and hands should be clasped web to web. This isn’t the case with all cultures, so it is important to be understanding. 
  • If you have small hands and want to make your hand seem more substantial when shaking hands, separate your index and middle fingers slightly with extending your hand for a handshake. 
  • If you wear rings on your right hand when shaking hands, you may hurt the other person if you clasp their hand too tightly. This is the same when shaking hands with someone wearing a ring.  
  • When seated, always stand to shake hands. This will bring both parties closer to the same level and both will feel more comfortable.