Category Archives: Business casual

Highlight Your Facial Features

Make-up application relates to the actual structure of the head and face.

The natural hills and valleys of the face can be recreated or enhanced with optical illusions created by using light and dark cosmetics.

Highlighting is the application of a make-up colour that is lighter than the surrounding area. This area will appear more pronounced than the area next to it.

Choosing Your Colours

The easiest way to achieve natural looking results is to choose your make-up in light tints, dark shades, and muted tones rather than clear, bright hues. The more muted the colour, the more neutral it becomes.

  • Neutral colours are the most versatile and work well with most skin tones and eye colours unless you are very fair or very dark. e.g. browns, black, greys, tints (off whites), etc.colour wheel
  • For more drama, when working with eyes, choose a tone from the colours opposite your eye colour on the colour wheel. e.g. Blue eyes – coral, peach, pink and yellow tones.


When meeting and greeting for the first time, be sincere, stick to the rules of etiquette and be sensitive to the person’s strength.

Make eye contact, smile and shake hands, repeating the person’s name in the greeting. For example:

  • “Hello Mary. It’s nice to meet you, I am …;hands
  • Or ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The most formal greeting would be

  • “How do you do, Mary, I am…” The reply to “How do you do.” is “How do you do.”

If you would like to meet someone, when approaching that person:

  1. Make eye contact and smile.
  2. Introduce yourself with your first and last name.
  3. Shake hands firmly, web to web. Lean into the handshake. Hands should be vertically parallel.  Shake hands 2-3 pumps.

This shows confidence and sincerity

Handshakes to avoid

  • The bone crusher – some people have no idea how strong their grip is.
  • The limp handshake (sometimes called the dead fish) – gives a non-confident, wishy-washy impression.
  • The power grip (when someone grips with their hand on top) – in body language this indicates that the person perceives themselves as more important or is trying to get the upper hand.
  • Gabbing the finger tips sometimes very softly-  this can be a cultural difference not unusual on some Asian cultures – in western society we prefer a web to web handshake

These handshakes are a bit too friendly for business. You may be perceived as coming on too strong. Better to be saved for friends and family.

  • 2 handed handshake (when you cup both hands around the other persons hand) – is very nurturing and friendly.
  • Keep your hands to yourself. Avoid shaking hands while holding the other persons elbow or shoulder – too friendly for business

For another way to get a grip on your handshake watch the video on Living Vancouver with host, Jaeny Baik and Kimberly Law, AICI CIP. Click on Watch the Show in the top menu and then on It’s a Living in the right column.


As society becomes more and more global, the role of the handshake also becomes more and more confusing. Even though most cultures would agree that a handshake is the most universal greeting in a business setting, each individual culture has it’s local customs and it’s own interpretation of the ultimate handshake. Because of this it is important to take the time learn about the  one thing that is agreed upon internationally,  that the handshake is appropriate in any business setting upon and before leaving.

Are You Into Orange?

Orange is one of the popular fashion colours for Spring 2012. But most of us either love it or hate it. If you love orange or love the idea of orange in your wardrobe right now, you may be in an orange phase.

The ORANGE PHASE is a social phase. Bright orange is the colour of enthusiasm and energy. It is emotionally and physically stimulating for the wearer and those who see it.

When wearing orange, it is a time of informality and close times with friends and family. People in an orange phase are open to new ideas and generally are in a happy time.


Because of the activity and forcefulness inherent with the colour, orange phase people can be overwhelming and often appear to take over in group situations.

Orange also represents a most vulnerable time: as the personality of the person is so open at this time, feelings are easily hurt. These people erect no emotional barriers. It is a non-threatening time, and people in this time are best friends with whomever they are with at the time.

If orange isn’t one of your most flattering clothing colour, add a little orange to your wardrobe in the form of an accessory. Bright orange doesn’t come around in fashion very often. So if you love orange, this is the time to wear it in your wardrobe… with confidence.

For more on the advantages of wearing bright colours see “Bright Colours Get Things Done”.

Fashion Cycles – But Do We?

If you are heading for 50 like I am and think you have seen every style in fashion come and go… you probably have. Fashion does move in cycles and over time what may have been considered old and dated… just a few years ago, suddenly becomes new again. Yes, with a little tweeking on the part of the designer, fashion trends do come back again and again.

But before you dive into your closet and dig out all those gems you loved and charished way back when, consider the following:

  • Is it comfortable?
  • Is it still me?
  • Does it flatter my shape?
  • Is the colour flattering?
  • Does it coordinate with anything in my closet?

Fashion styles may move in cycles and come back into vogue again and again. However, as human beings, we evolve and change over time. Before putting on that outfit you wore faithfully in the 1970’s or 1980’s, think about who you are today. Even though the fashion style may be similar or the same as the good old days… it is likely you aren’t.

7 Reasons to Strategically Colour Your Wardrobe

Last year for Valentine’s Day, I wrote a post called “Look Gorgeous in Red on Valentine’s Day”.

Wearing colours that suit you will instantly make you look healthier and more attractive. As an image consultant, determining the most flattering colour qualities for my client, is one of the first things I like to focus on when we work together. Why, you ask??

  1. Easier shopping for clothing and make-up
  2. Mistake proof clothing colour coordination colour wheel
  3. Faster dressing at home
  4. Easier packing when traveling

These are all great reasons. But the reasons my clients tell me they are happy they know their best colour qualities are:

  1. Avoid mistakes!
  2. Save money!
  3. Sparkle!

Make the Most of Your Handshake

I have written about handshakes in past blog posts. However, occasionally clients ask me questions about how to make the most of your handshake. Next time you shake hands consider the following:

  • When shaking hands in western society the hands should be parallel and hands should be clasped web to web. This isn’t the case with all cultures, so it is important to be understanding.
  • If you have small hands and want to make your hand seem more substantial when shaking hands, separate your index and middle fingers slightly with extending your hand for a handshake.
  • If you wear rings on your right hand when shaking hands, you may hurt the other person if you clasp their hand too tightly. This is the same when shaking hands with someone wearing a ring.
  • When seated, always stand to shake hands. This will bring both parties closer to the same level and both will feel more comfortable.

Is there a Beauty Advantage for Men?

I was recently interviewed by Douglas Todd, reporter for the Vancouver Sun. He was doing a story on how men are becoming more conscientious about their personal appearance at work and also in their personal lives. He asked if it is advantageous for a man to take care of himself and do what he can to look his best. For more, read the article.

Should You Wear Animal Print to Work?

Been shopping lately? If so you may have noticed that animal print fabric is everywhere. Personally, I really like it. It’s fun and comes across mischievous and playful. And this season, whether you want to look like a fox, a cat, a tiger or any other animal, it’s out there. But is work the best time to come across this way?  OK, yes, it’s good to enjoy your time at work. However, the way you dress may be perceived as sending mixed messages. How do you look playful and come across serious at the same time? When dressing for the purpose of work this can be a challenge. My suggestions?

  • If possible, keep animal print for social occasions.
  • If you work in an environment that encourages a playful approach, but you still need to look like you are capable and are there to do your job, wear subtle versions of animal print. This can be done with low colour contrast, worn in small areas or by choosing non-descript versions.